Donnerstag, 8. August 2013

DialogScript: New Version 0.1.0

I just uploaded a new version of the DialogScript tool:

The language now features player choices and some smaller features like smart modifiers and wildcards. Everything is documented in the PDF file available in the archive.

I also implemented some examples which are available in the content assist feature, but I also provide them here, to give you an idea of how the new language design works:


Example 1: Scout and Skull
characters: Scout, Skull
// switches replace the former conditions and are either on or off (off by default!)
// I wanted to find a simple metaphor for boolean variables everyone can relate to
switches: talked_Skull is off, name, blinky_Nigel, skull_Nigel, pole,
skull_Rock, skull_Moved
// conditions allow to concatenate switches with 'and' operator
// this might seem like an unnecessary intermediate step compared to boolean logic,
// but I want to see if it proofs useful in practice to separate boolean logic that way
  HasTalkedSkull when talked_Skull is off
  HasTalkedPole when pole is off
  HasTalkedSkullRock when skull_Rock is off
  HasNotTalkedJake when name is off
  KnowsNameIsNigel when blinky_Nigel is on and skull_Nigel is off
  IsSkullMoved when skull_Moved is on
// scene names are now also in quotation marks, they are referable now
scene "Larger Scene Sample"
  // default lines now feature a 'defaults'...'end' structure
  // inside, you can also use conditional dialog, 
  // just as in 'first time' or 'parting' cases
    Skull: "Hey!"
  // the 'first time' and 'other times' conditionals are now merged together...
  // seems to me to be more homogenous 
  first time
    Skull: "What are you doing here?"
    Scout: "Huh!?"
    Skull: "You again."
    // as mentioned, you can also nest conditionals here
    // they feature the more common and shorter 'if'-'else if'-'else' keywords now
    if (HasNotTalkedJake)
      Scout: "Hi Jake!"
    else if (KnowsNameIsNigel)
      Scout: "Nigel, how's it hangin'?"
  // hubs are meant to be loops which contain player choices
  // hence, hub's need to be explicitly left using an 'exit'-statement or
  // by invoking another scene or hub (yes, hubs can be called :))
  hub "Main Hub"
    // by default, choices are offered to the player every time a hub (loop)
    // is executed. The modifier 'single' allows to mark a choice as 'only available once'.
    // Thought of it as nice abbreviation instead of creating a switch/condition pair for every 'single choice'
    // The name of the choice (e.g. "Talking Skull") can be used as a preview text for the player on screen.
    single choice "Talking Skull"
      Scout: "I never expected you to talk."
      Skull: "Why not? You seem to be doing remarkably well for a pussy-cat."
      Scout: "But you're just a skull."
      Skull: "So, you've got something against skulls have you?"
      Scout: "No, I..."
      Skull: "It's always the same - prejudice just follows me around."
      Scout: "Really?"
      Skull: "Well, not that I actually go anywhere..."
      Skull: "I blame Ray Harryhausen for stereotyping the whole subject of skeletons."
      switch on talked_Skull // at the end of a choice or block, you can change the value of switches and/or leave the hub
    // Writing the examples proofed to me that it is useful to make choices optional
    // hence, inside hubs, you can use the special conditional statement 'choices if'
    // Note that it is not possible to nest these kind of choices to avoid too complex structures
    // but I'm sure that this isn't necessary
    // Conditions can be chained with the 'or' operator.
    // That way, you can create 'chunks' of booleans that need to apply together at the
    // 'conditions'-statement above, and chain them here as alternatives
    choices if (HasNotTalkedJake or KnowsNameIsNigel)
      choice "Name"
      // inside choices, you can use "standard" conditions (can also be nested just as outside of hubs)
        if (HasNotTalkedJake)
          Scout: "What's your name?"
          Skull: "I'm not in the habit of giving my name out to just anyone, you know."
          Scout: "It's something embarrassing, isn't it?"
          Skull: "Not at all! It's, er... Cutthroat Jake! Yes."
          Scout: "You just made that up."
          Skull: "No I didn’t!"
          Skull: "You can call me Jake if you like."
          switch on name
        else if (KnowsNameIsNigel)
          Scout: "That mouse over there..."
          Skull: "I hate that mouse.  Do you have any idea what he did to me?"
          Scout: "I..."
          Skull: "He had the audacity to build a nest in my eye socket."
          Skull: "I was only able to drive him out by whistling for six hours straight."
          Skull: "Do you realise how difficult that is when you don’t have any lips...?"
          Scout: "The mouse told me your real name is Nigel."
          Skull: "Well..."
          Scout: "What sort of a name is Nigel for a skull?"
          Skull: "I know, I know..."
          switch on skull_Nigel
    single choice "Pole"
      if (IsSkullMoved)
        Scout: "Why were you stuck on that pole?"
        Skull: "I was placed there as a warning to intruders."
        Scout: "Why are you stuck on that pole?"
        Skull: "I've been placed here as a warning to intruders."
      Scout: "Intruders?"
      Skull: "People like yourself, who come here looking for the treasure hidden in Skull 
      Skull: "Oops!  Forget I ever said that."
      Scout: "Not very good at your job are you?"
      Skull: "You call this a job? It’s certainly not one I would have chosen myself, if I’d 
              had any say in the matter."
      Skull: "It's not as if I can just walk away and get another job."
      Skull: "When a skull doesn't even have the rest of his skeleton with him, career 
              options are severely limited."
      Scout: "Talk a lot, don't you?"
      Skull: "It's the sheer and utter boredom – I haven't had a decent conversation in 
              forty three years."
      Skull: "Listen, you won't tell anyone that I mentioned the treasure, will you?"
      switch on pole
    single choice "Skull Rock"
      Scout: "What can you tell me about Skull Rock?"
      Skull: "Not very much, I'm afraid.  I’ve never even seen it."
      Scout: "Why, because you don’t have any eyes?"
      Skull: "No, I can see you just fine."
      Scout: "Weird, that..."
      Skull: "Ever since I was placed here I’ve been facing in the same direction."
      Skull: "And the local monkeys are really awful – telling me how beautiful the view is 
              and how wonderful the sun looks as it sets over the sea."
      Scout: "Now, don’t get upset."
      Skull: "I’d weep if I had any tear ducts..."
      switch on skull_Rock
    choice "Exit"
      Scout: "I’ll be seeing you."
      Skull: "Okay, bye.  Don't forget to come back soon."
      exit scene // at least one of these 'jumps' is mandatory, since the hub could never be left otherwise
end scene
Example 2: Risen
characters: PROTAGONIST, JAN
switches: place, foodOrGold, safe, offer, harbourTownQuest, followJanToTheWest
  AskedAboutPlace when place is on
  AskedAboutFoodOrGold when foodOrGold is on
  AskedAboutSafety when safe is on
  TalkedOffer when offer is on 
  first time
    PROTAGONIST: "I found this sword."
    JAN: "Good! I hope you know how to use it."
  hub "Main"
    single choice "place"
      PROTAGONIST: "What can you tell me about this place?"
      JAN: "What do want to know?"
      switch on place
    single choice "girl"
      PROTAGONIST: "There’s a girl came ashore with me, she’s in an abandoned house to the 
      JAN: "South... Must be the old ship wrecker's house."
      JAN: "I’ll head that way later."
      JAN: "If she’s there."
      JAN: "I’ll take her somewhere safe."
    single choice "help"
      PROTAGONIST: "I could do with some help before I go. I’m injured."
      JAN: "Hmm, so you are."
      JAN: "There’s a water barrel in the corner. Take a good drink and freshen up. 
            You stink of sea water."
      JAN: "If you’re planning on getting hurt again, you should get your hands on a few  
            healing potions."
      PROTAGONIST: "Where can I find some?"
      JAN: "Well, they don’t grow on trees. You’ll have to find a trader for those. 
            There are a few traders still around."
    choices if (AskedAboutPlace)
      single choice "FoodOrGold"
        PROTAGONIST: "Looks like I’m going to be stuck here for a while. Anywhere I can get 
                      some food or pick up some gold?"
        JAN: "Ha! Not round here at any rate!"
        JAN: "I just asked for this post so I can watch the storms. Amazing things when they 
              blow past."
        JAN: "Strange how they never come inland."
        JAN: "Two weeks ago I would have sent you straight to Harbour Town. But not anymore."
        PROTAGONIST: "Why not?"
        JAN: "It’s full of inquisition. Protecting those ruins and recruiting for the damn 
              white robed cult at the Monestary."
        JAN: "I’m with the Don myself. We’re the ones who’re still free. Living in a camp in 
              the middle of a swamp. But freedom’s freedom."
        JAN: "I’d head to the swamp, see if the Don’ll take you in, or try your luck in 
              Harbour Town. Just stay away from the Monestary."
        switch on foodOrGold
      single choice "monestary"
        PROTAGONIST: "You mentioned a Monestary. What happens there?"
        JAN: "The last place you wanna be!"
        JAN: "It’s where the Inquisition train their recruits. Brain wash’em!"
        JAN: "Stay well away from there."
    choices if (AskedAboutFoodOrGold)
      single choice "Safe"
        PROTAGONIST: "So, is Harbour Town safe? What are the Inquisition doing there?"
        JAN: "Not much at the moment. There are still some of our boys in there. They might 
              help you out."
        JAN: "And that white robed lot probably won’t bother you too much."
        JAN: "I can show you the way, but believe me, you’d be better off at our camp."
        switch on safe
      single choice "Offer"
        PROTAGONIST: "What’s the Don got to offer me?"
        JAN: "Meat, bear, a job? They might even train you as a fighter. You got a sword, 
              after all. Most they’ll let you have up at the Monestary is a staff! Just a 
              big stick! That’s not a real weapon!"
        switch on offer
    choices if (AskedAboutSafety)
      single choice "Harbour Town"
        PROTAGONIST: "Can you show me the way to Harbour Town?"
        JAN: "Sure. Follow me."
        switch on harbourTownQuest
        exit scene
    choices if (TalkedOffer)
      single choice "Camp"
        PROTAGONIST: "All right, show me the way to your camp."
        JAN: "Good man! Follow me."
        switch on followJanToTheWest
        exit scene
    choice "End"
       exit scene
end scene

Example 3: Heavy Rain
characters: LAUREN, SCOTT
switches: convince, compassionate, persist, trick, buy, disappearance, johnny, johnnysHome, suspect, inRoomCenter is on, offerCigarette, police, johnnysFather, leads
       UnlockPhase2A          when convince      is on and compassionate  is on
       UnlockPhase2B          when convince      is on and persist        is on
       UnlockPhase2C          when compassionate is on and persist        is on
       TriedToBuy             when buy           is on
       HasTalkedDisappearance when disappearance is on
       HasTalkedJohnny        when johnny        is on
       HasTalkedJohnnysHome   when johnnysHome   is on
       HasTalkedSuspect       when suspect       is on
       HasntOfferedCigarette  when inRoomCenter  is on and offerCigarette is off
       TimesUpA               when police        is on and johnnysFather  is on
       TimesUpB               when police        is on and leads          is on
       TimesUpC               when leads         is on and johnnysFather  is on
       TimesUpD               when leads         is on and johnnysFather  is on and police is on
  first time
    SCOTT: "My name is Scott Shelby. I’m a private detective.
            The families of the victims of the Origami Killer
            asked me to investigate the murders. I came here
            just to ask you some questions about Johnny."
    LAUREN: "I already told the police all I know and have nothing
            to add. Leave me alone."
  if (TriedToBuy)
    LAUREN: "Leave me alone."
    exit scene // exiting a scene is now possible
  hub "Phase 1"
    single choice "Convince"
      SCOTT: "The killer is walking around free as we speak.
              He’ll kill again if he’s not arrested."
      LAUREN: "My Johnny’s dead, so what difference does it make?"
      switch on convince
    single choice "Compassionate"
      SCOTT: "I understand, Lauren. I know what you’re going through."
      LAUREN: "Oh, yeah? You know what it feels like to find your own
              son’s body on a wasteland? I’m sorry, I don’t believe you
              have the slightest idea what I’m going through, Mr. Shelby."
      switch on compassionate
    single choice "Persist"
      SCOTT: "There’ll be other victims if we don’t stop the killer.
              You have got to help me, Lauren. You may know something
              that can aid the investigation."
      LAUREN: "Help you? There’s nothing you can do! My son is dead!
              Do you hear me? He’s dead!"
      switch on persist
    choices if (UnlockPhase2A or UnlockPhase2B or UnlockPhase2C)
      choice "Trick"
        SCOTT: "If we don’t find the killer, there’ll be other mothers
                who find their son’s body on a deserted wasteland.
                But you’re right! Why should you care? It’s not your problem
                anymore, right?"
        [Long pause, Lauren will sit down on the bed before she continues]
        LAUREN: "What do you want to know?"
        switch on trick
        enter hub "Phase 2" // this instantly switches to hub "Phase 2"
      choice "Buy"
        SCOTT: "I bought ten minutes of your time, didn’t I? All I ask is
                that you use that time to answer some questions"
        LAUREN: "You want to pay me to tell you about my son, is that it?
                You can buy my body, Mr. Shelby, but my son is not for sale!
                Get out of here! GET THE FUCK OUT!"
        switch on buy
        exit scene // player made the wrong choice    
  hub "Phase 2" 
    // random is a modifier for conditionals and choices and allows the author to mark them
    // as random. The exact implementation needs to be done by the dialog engine
    random if (TimesUpA or TimesUpB or TimesUpC) 
      LAUREN: "Time's up Mr. Shelby. I hope you got what you wanted. Now get out of here."
      exit scene
    if (TimesUpD) 
      LAUREN: "Time's up Mr. Shelby. I hope you got what you wanted. Now get out of here."
      exit scene
    single random if (HasntOfferedCigarette) [Random, when the player does not move towards the bed]
      LAUREN: "Do you want a cigarette?"
      SCOTT: "No thanks, I quit."
      LAUREN: "That's brave."
      switch on offerCigarette
    single choice "Disappearance"
      SCOTT: "How did your son disappear?"
      LAUREN: "He used to go play with the neighborhood kids after school.
               It was pouring down something awful that day. I’ll never forget it.
               All his friends came home 'round 3, all except him."
      switch on disappearance                
    single choice "Johnny?"
      SCOTT: "Tell me about Johnny. What kind of kid was he?"
      LAUREN: "Johnny was really a good boy. Sometimes, he fought with other kids who called 
               me a… you know. In his own way, I think he understood what was going on."
      switch on johnny
    single choice "Suspect"
      SCOTT: "Did you suspect anyone after he disappeared?"
      LAUREN: "I meet a lot of pretty shady characters in my line of work. Sure, I thought 
               of it at first. But it didn’t seem to make any sense. I don’t believe any of  
               my clients could have done that to my Johnny... and all those other kids?"
      switch on suspect
    single choice "Johnny's home"
      SCOTT: "Did Johnny live with you?"
      LAUREN: "Yes. Of course I made sure he never met any of my clients. I wanted to stop, 
               you know... but we needed the money. I was trying to earn enough to get us 
               out of here."
      switch on johnnysHome                         
    random choices if (HasTalkedDisappearance or HasTalkedJohnny or HasTalkedJohnnysHome or HasTalkedSuspect)
      single choice "Police"
        SCOTT: "When did you sound the alarm?"
        LAUREN: "About eight o’clock. I began to get worried, I went all around the  
                 neighborhood, I went to the wasteland where they liked to play, I went to 
                 see his friends. I called the cops about ten o’clock."
        switch on police
      single choice "Johnny's father"
        SCOTT: "Tell me about Johnny’s father."
        LAUREN: "A loser without a job who liked to beat me after a few drinks...
                 He left the day Johnny disappeared. I ain’t seen him since. Coward!
                 Good thing he left."
        switch on johnnysFather
      single choice "Leads"
        SCOTT: "Do you know if they found anything on the wasteland? Any leads or witnesses?"
        LAUREN: "No. They said he must’ve run away and would probably end up coming back.  
                 His body was found five days later with an origami figure in his hand and 
                 an orchid on his chest."
        switch on leads
end scene
Example 4: Mass Effect 2 (a bit more tricky, but it still works ;))
characters: EDI, SHEPARD, GRUNT
switches: openTank, gaveName, phase5, convinced, playerShoots, shooting, hasShot
  OpenTank when openTank is on
  KnowsName when gaveName is on
  Phase5 when phase5 is on
  GruntIsConvinced when convinced is on
  PlayerShoots when playerShoots is on
  EndsWithShooting when shooting is on
  DoneShooting when hasShot is on
    EDI: "The subject is stable, Shepard. Integration with onboard systems was seamless."
  hub "Phase 1"
    choice "Keep it sealed."
      exit hub // this directly leads to the 'parting' section at the end of the script
    choice "Open the tank"
      SHEPARD: "Stand by. I'm going to open the tank and let him out."
      EDI: "Cerberus protocol is very clear regarding untested alien technology."
      enter hub "Phase 2"
    choice "Is he aware?"
      SHEPARD: "Can he see anything in there? Does he know where he is?"
      EDI: "Unlikely. Current neural patterns indicate minimum cognition. Barring ship-wide 
            power loss, the nutrients in the tank could sustain him for over a year."
    choice "Is he dangerous?"
      SHEPARD: "Any idea how dangerous this guy is?"
      EDI: "He is a krogan, Shepard. If you are asking whether he is actively hostile,
            don't have the necessary data to answer. Okeer's technology could impart 
            data, not methods of thinking. The subject may know of his views, but would not 
            necessarily share them."
    choice "Detect anything odd?"
      SHEPARD: "What can you tell me about this guy? Anything unusual?"
      EDI: "The subject is an exceptional example of the krogan species, with fully formed 
            primary, secondary, and tertiary organs, where applicable. No defects of any 
            kind, aside from the genetic markers of the genophage present in all krogan. I 
            cannot judge mental functioning."
  // hidden hubs won’t be accessed unless they are called explicitly
  hidden hub "Phase 2"
    single choice "Leave him where he is then"
      exit hub
    single choice "He's to valuable to leave"
      SHEPARD: "He's either a powerful addition to the crew or a time bomb. I'd rather deal 
                with it now."
      switch on openTank
      exit hub
    single choice "Do as I say, EDI"
      SHEPARD: "I won't be second guessed on my own ship, by my own ship. Do it."
      switch on openTank
      exit hub
  if (OpenTank)
    EDI: "Very well, Shepard. The controls are online. The switch - and consequences - are 
    [Cutscene where the tank is opened, forwarding to next scene]
    enter scene "NORMANDY SR-2. PORT CARGO. RECRUITING GRUNT." // here, we invoke another scene
    SHEPARD: "I'm leaving it the way it is. Make sure nobody tempers with it."
    EDI: "Of course, Shepard."
end scene
  first time [Grunt smashes Shepard against the wall and holds him there]
    // wildcards (in braces) can be used in dialog lines to set placeholders
    // which can be replaced by an appropriate dialog engine during runtime
    GRUNT: "Human. {Gender}. Before you die, I need a name."
  // this hub and the subsequent dialog line show how you can model choices which are handled completely
  // identical in the game, without the need to write redundant dialog lines
  // (GRUNT will respond identically, no matter what the player chooses)
  hub "Phase 3"
    choice "You'll get more than that"
      SHEPARD: "I'm Commander Shepard, and I don't take threats lightly. I suggest you 
      exit hub
    choice "Of course"
      SHEPARD: "I'm Commander Shepard of the Normandy."
      exit hub
  GRUNT: "Not your name. Mine. I am trained. I know things, but the tank... Okeer couldn't 
          implant connection. His words are hollow. Warlord, legacy, grunt... grunt. 
          \"Grunt\" was among the last. It has no meaning. It'll do. I am Grunt."
  hub "Phase 4"
    // Quotation marks need to be escaped with a backslash
    choice "Why \"Grunt\"?"
      SHEPARD: "You wouldn't prefer \"Okeer\"? Or \"legacy\"?"
      GRUNT: "It's short. Matches the training in my blood. The other words are big things I 
              don't feel. Maybe they fit your mouth better. I feel nothing for Okeer's clan 
              or his enemies. I will do what I am bred to do... fight and determine the 
              strongest -- but his imprint has failed." 
      exit hub
    choice "You want to die?"
      SHEPARD: "Why do you want me to try to kill you?"
      GRUNT: "Want? I do what I am meant to-- fight and reveal the strongest. Nothing in the 
              tank ever asked what I want. I feel nothing for Okeer's clan or his enemies. 
              That imprint failed. He has failed."
      exit hub
  GRUNT: "Without a reason that's mine, one fight is as good as any other. Might as well 
          start with you."
  hub "Phase 5"
    choice "Join my crew. We’ll find it" [Paragon choice]
      SHEPARD: "I have a strong ship and a strong crew, a strong clan. You'd make it 
      GRUNT: "If you're weak and choose weak enemies, I'll have to kill you."
      SHEPARD: "Our enemies are worthy. No doubt about that."
      switch on convinced
      exit hub
    choice "You feel nothing for Okeer?"
      SHEPARD: "Is it that easy for Okeer's perfect krogan to abandon his mission?"
      GRUNT: "Okeer is just a voice in the tank. If his imprints are true, then he created 
              something stronger than him. So he's not worthy of me. And if his hatreds 
              aren't strong enough to compel me, they've failed, too. I feel nothing. I have 
              no connection."
    choice "My command is your reason" [Renegade choice]
      SHEPARD: "I took you and I released you. Follow my command, and you'll have purpose."
      GRUNT: "Nothing in the tank imprints indicated humans could be so forceful. 
              You command as though you've earned it."
      SHEPARD: "My enemies threaten galaxies. Everyone on my ship has earned their place."
      switch on convinced
      exit hub
    choice "Stand down or else"
      SHEPARD: "I'm offering you the chance to join my crew. Stand down. I won't ask again."
      GRUNT: "Asking marks you as unworthy. That's why you'll die first."
      if (PlayerShoots) [Player chooses to shoot Grunt in a QTE]
        SHEPARD: "You will stand down."
        switch on hasShot
        exit hub
        enter hub "Phase 6-1"
    choice "I released you. You owe me"
      SHEPARD: "You should show more gratitude. Refusing an ally can bite you in the ass."
      GRUNT: "If I can brush an ally aside, what use are they? You're only worthy of dying 
      enter hub "Phase 6-1"
  hidden hub "Phase 6-1"
    choice "You leave me no choice"
      SHEPARD: "I gave you a chance. This is on you."
      switch on shooting
      exit hub
    choice "I was being generous"
      SHEPARD: "Talking was the generous Plan A. Here's Plan B."
      switch on shooting
      exit hub
  if (GruntIsConvinced)
    GRUNT: "Hmm. Hmph! That's... acceptable. I'll fight for you."
    [camera reveals that Shepard has been pointing his gun at Grunt the whole time]
    SHEPARD: "I'm glad you saw reason."
    GRUNT: "Hmm? Ha! Offer one hand, but arm the other."
  else if (EndsWithShooting)
    [gets shot by Shepard several times, but shows no signs of weakness]
    GRUNT: "Huh?"
    switch on hasShot
  if (DoneShooting)
    GRUNT: "You offer one hand but arm the other -- and don't hesitate. Maybe you are 
            worthy. You will give me strong enemies? A chance to find my own reason for the 
            skills in my blood? Very well. I will fight for you."
    SHEPARD: "Try that again and I won't be so patient."
    GRUNT: "Wise, Shepard. If I find a clan, if I find what I... I want, I will be honored 
            to eventually pit them against you."
end scene

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